Taig Micromill MicroMillProcess
This page will be for process of working with the MicroMill
commands for mach 3 - http://www.microproto.com/software.htm
MicroMillTroubleshooting - This is where the troubleshooting notes will live
MicromillTestlog - Setting up the micromill requires some initial tests
Mach 3 install - http://www.machsupport.com/docs/Mach3Mill_Install_Config.pdf
install video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl-MKTAA2VY
current issues for troubleshooting the micromill
No limit switches
This page has some info on the physical setup - http://www.dragonworks.info/CAD-CAM-CNC/Micro-Mill%20CNC/Z%20axis/Z%20axis.htm
hold down of material
- how to attach material to the tool bed
- 4 inch clamp vise is a temporary solution
- try step blocks
Computer runs slow on mach 3
- lag between key strokes and display
- affects other programs
Possible solution
- install mach2 on the computer. This should work because it is an old computer, and should be able to run the old software. After mach2 works for a while, the computer could be replaced with one with more firepower to run mach2
measurements don't seem to match output
- motors seem to move more than measured distances on x and y
- motors move less than measured distances on z
- This may be the result of the computer being too old to run mach 3. Running mach2 may solve this.
screen does not load the micromill
- click on the toolpath alt 4 tab
- how to solve long term
Resolved problems:
steppers running too fast, skipping
- mach 3 forum entry - http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php?topic=2694.new#new
- steppers running at the wrong rate
- on jog they seem to miss steps and do not turn the motor
- motors run too fast
- motor sound too high pitched
- same problem with sherline mode and kernel speed
Here is a message with some settings from Kurt Daley of microproto
In the motor tuning make sure the velocity setting for each motor is 30 in/min. with an accel of 5. The pulse width must also be at least 10 us. I don't know what the story is on the screen view. The last Mach 3 I downloaded was over a month ago and it worked fine. Maybe there is a bug in the newer versions.
Here is a link from Art Fenerty with a video of setting up the mill -
The motor tuning settings that seem to work best are:
- all axes (except 4th, which has different value needs)
Step 32000 Vol 9.654 Accel 2.25 Pulse 0 Dir 0
- jog rate % 25 (it was set by default at 95%)
computer does not control mill to run mach 3
- uninstall mach3
- reloaded software following the
- problem resolved.
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