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Taig Micromill MicroMillProcess

This page will be for process of working with the MicroMill

commands for mach 3 - http://www.microproto.com/software.htm

MicroMillTroubleshooting - This is where the troubleshooting notes will live

MicromillTestlog - Setting up the micromill requires some initial tests

Mach 3 install - http://www.machsupport.com/docs/Mach3Mill_Install_Config.pdf

install video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl-MKTAA2VY 

current issues for troubleshooting the micromill





No limit switches

This page has some info on the physical setup - http://www.dragonworks.info/CAD-CAM-CNC/Micro-Mill%20CNC/Z%20axis/Z%20axis.htm


hold down of material

  1. how to attach material to the tool bed
  2. 4 inch clamp vise is a temporary solution
  3. try step blocks


Computer runs slow on mach 3

  1. lag between key strokes and display
  2. affects other programs


Possible solution

  1. install mach2 on the computer. This should work because it is an old computer, and should be able to run the old software. After mach2 works for a while, the computer could be replaced with one with more firepower to run mach2

measurements don't seem to match output

  1. motors seem to move more than measured distances on x and y
  2. motors move less than measured distances on z


  1. This may be the result of the computer being too old to run mach 3. Running mach2 may solve this.

screen does not load the micromill

  1. click on the toolpath alt 4 tab
  2. how to solve long term


Resolved problems:


steppers running too fast, skipping

  1. mach 3 forum entry - http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php?topic=2694.new#new
  2. steppers running at the wrong rate
  3. on jog they seem to miss steps and do not turn the motor
  4. motors run too fast
  5. motor sound too high pitched
  6. same problem with sherline mode and kernel speed


Here is a message with some settings from Kurt Daley of microproto

In the motor tuning make sure the velocity setting for each motor is 30 in/min. with an accel of 5. The pulse width must also be at least 10 us. I don't know what the story is on the screen view. The last Mach 3 I downloaded was over a month ago and it worked fine. Maybe there is a bug in the newer versions.


Here is a link from Art Fenerty with a video of setting up the mill -



The motor tuning settings that seem to work best are:

  1. all axes (except 4th, which has different value needs)

Step 32000 Vol 9.654 Accel 2.25 Pulse 0 Dir 0

  1. jog rate % 25 (it was set by default at 95%)


computer does not control mill to run mach 3

  1. uninstall mach3
  2. reloaded software following the
  3. problem resolved.


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