

Page history last edited by c 14 years, 9 months ago


This project introduces the user to some of the features in part wizard, which will help create the code that the shopbot can run.


Parts of this can be standardized so that many people can work quickly. If the sample size is standardized, it will allow consistent placement on the toolbed. Using the same size router bit will help with consistency as well. It is also possible to use a different bit to reach more creative and individualized results.


This writeup is intended to be a starting point, and after going through this process, you may customize it to your needs. Pass the word on about techniques that work better.

Secure your sample to the toolbed. You may screw it to the wooden bed, or you can clamp it securely. Make sure there is not debris on the bed, your sample should sit flat and secure.


Measure your workpiece. For this example, we will design for 4" x 9" x 3/4" thick

Open Part Wizard

Choose Create New Model on the left.

Plug in your dimensions of the sample piece

Choose machine z zero as top of block

Choose inches as units.

Press OK


A white box should appear that shows the proportions of your work area.

There are measurements along the top and left sides.

Both the Y axis on the left and X axis on the top should have a zero point of the bottom left corner.

The Assistant window is on the left.


Go to the Vector Editing sectio on the left

Choose the create vector text button.

The Text Tool window will show up on the left.

The fonts that work with the v bit will show up in red.

Choose a size, like 2.75 inches

You can choose bold or italics with the button on the top.

Click on the white box on the right and type some text.

You can move the text around by putting the mouse near the dotted line and clicking when it turns to a cross.

Press Done and you will return to the Assistant tab on the left.

You can use the Select tool in the Assistant tab to stretch the text.

Make your text fit in the white box to have it be centered and fitting.


Go to the Toolpaths section

Choose V-Bit Carving (or Center Line Carving Wizard)

Go to the Carving Tool and choose select.

Pick the tool that you are going to use from the list.

We are using a 3/4" 90 degree v bit.

Choose Center Line

Sometimes you get an error message here about grouping vectors. If this happens, you may find starting the document again helps. It could be that the letters are too wide for the bit.

Click close and you will go back to the Assistant tab.

You should have a toolpath generated of your text.


Go to the Toolpath tab on the bottom center.

The save toolpath button is on the left in the middle.

Give the toolpath a name if it doesn't already have one.

Save it in a folder where you can find it again. Having a folder dedicated to the project will make organization easier. 

Give it a name that you can recognize later.

Close the save dialog box by clicking in the x box on the top.

Save your part wizard file, it should be in the same folder as the toolpath.

Use a recognizable name.

Close Part Wizard.

Run your part in the Shopbot Software

Your sample material should be attached to the toolbed.

Use the keyboard jog by pressing the K key

The keyboard command window should pop up.

You can also go to the Settings menu and choose Keyboard.

The arrow keys control the X and Y axis and the Page Up Page Down keys control the Z axis.

Jog the tool to the surface of the bottom left corner of your workpiece.

Choose the Zero Menu and zero the X, Y and Z axes.

You should be able to see the values for the axes all set to 0.00

You are now ready to run your part.


Here are some pictures - http://flickr.com/photos/connors934/tags/hellosign/


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